There’s nothing to FIX.

There’s nothing to manage.


But you wouldn’t know that.


Because that’s not what we’ve been taught.

Satisfying that yearning to feel at ease in your body

doesn’t come in the form of another fad diet.

It doesn’t come in the form of painful fitness regimens.

It comes from inside YOU

I’m Nina Manolson and for 25+ years, I’ve been teaching women
how to heal their relationships with their bodies.

Because the problem is NOT you.
It’s not the foods you crave.
It’s not feeling out-of-control when it comes to food.



The problem is… that we, as a society,


have never been taught how to be in an authentic relationship with our bodies.


We’re taught that our bodies are all supposed to look a certain way.

But, I’ll tell you a secret…


And so is your body.

And how you shift from hating your thighs to feeling GREAT…feeling AT EASE…

feeling a sense of peace…in the body you’re in

happens in 5 stages.

Most people want to just jump from hating their bodies and treating their body like they are some separate and faulty or broken problem child that needs to be fixed to….

….jumping into loving their bodies just by reciting affirmations in the mirror or doing some new magic diet

But, as much as I wish it did, it doesn’t work like that.

There are 5 different realms that you travel through to stop hating the skin you’re in in order to develop a nurturing relationship that helps you flourish in everything you do.

And I’m going to show you what those 5 Body Realms are so you can begin to navigate your path to loving your body, as you deserve

Ugh, why did I eat that 🙁

I KNOW what to, I just CAN’T do it

I'm so tired

I hate feeling like this

I did it again 🙁


This 7-day coaching program is designed to help you:

Understand why trying to “leap” from hating your body to talking or dieting your way into loving it doesn’t

Uncover what body relationship realm you’re in right now, so you can begin to see what you need to do next in order to create a long-lasting, sustainable shift.

Feel supported as you discover what life is like when you no longer hate the body in the mirror


The Body-Love Map is life-changing! 

When I start to have “body hate” thoughts, I visualize the Body-Love Map and find my way back to Body Love!

It is a simple, practical tool that is much more powerful than any diet or exercise program. 

It has taught me to embrace and accept my body just the way it is.  

Mary Dulatre

During the Shifting Into Body-Love coaching week you’ll…

  • Uncover what it means and feels like to be AT EASE IN YOUR BODY when you understand the Body Love Map
  • FINALLY let go of the body-hate that has haunted you for decades when we explore the 5 Body-Relationship Realms
  • Receive your own BODY-LOVE MAP to hang on your fridge or cabinet, so you have a consistent awareness tool that will impact how you feel in your body every single day
  • Discover a WHOLE NEW approach to creating a powerful, positive and nourishing relationship with your body 
  • See the power of the Body-Love Map in 3 videos that illustrate what life is like when you practice this process
  • Receive daily emails that invite you into an exploration of your own relationship with your body to help you navigate through the Body-Love Map
  • Access to a wonderful online community of women who are committed to feeling at home and at ease in their body…just like you


The Body-Love Map gives me clarity! I don’t feel lost in the wildernss of constant self-criticism of my body.  I can shift myself to truly being kind and caring towards myself.

Sue P


I am your body’s greatest advocate. For 25 years, I’ve helped women end the war with their bodies to make peace inside themselves and with those they love.

I’m Nina Manolson, M.A. I’m also a Nutrition and Body-Relationship Therapist, Certified Psychology of Eating Teacher, Body-Trust Guide and Nationally Board Certified Holistic Health Coach.

My clients move past the deprivation-diet paradigm and into a compassionate and powerful way of eating & living which creates deep, long-lasting change in and with their bodies…and with the world around them.


Discover the Body Love Map and Uncover the Path to Finally Loving Your Body

7 Days of Coaching for $27